September 21, 2007

Debut from Tent London : "Supper" by Taguchi, designed by Jin Kuramoto


Stylish and High Quarity
Wide Directivity Audio Units for
PC and Potable Audio Player such as iPod...

Stand = Tent London B31 Sep 20-23 2007
* Truman Brewery, Brick Lane
* Tent London is a part of London Design Festival

Download Brochure by PDF is HERE (220K)



Taguchi, a professional audio master in Japan, introduces premium personal sound system for PC & potable audio, “Supper”.
Supper would bring you to a music arena or an open air concert site experience in your favorite personal space like bad room, dining, or lounge, by Taguchi audio technology and craftsmanship for premium concert halls to musical theaters.
Jin Kuramoto, young talent product designer well known ICT life style and affordance, designed Supper as stylish “table wares” for cozy sound “dining” experiences.

Taguchi aims high consumer market for PC and compact audio, contributing design and product realizing by Jin KURAMOTO (f.a.t) under an innovative ICT design developing with young talent workshop by Creative Cluster.

The model is first show at TENT LONDON as term of conceptual working model.
Will be ready in market around 07-08 winter

Contact more ditail:
Tomohiro Okada = Creative Cluster

Manufacture Site:

Workshop detail:
Creative Cluster


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